Patterns and Impacts of Korea\Patterns and Impacts of Korea's Cultural Exports: Focused on East Asia Jeong Gon Kim Se Young Ahn
During the period from 1996-2008, Korea’s cultural exports have gradually increased. This has especially been the case from 2001-2008, where, as the Trade Intensity Index
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Irish Position Paper for the Negotiations on the 7th. Framework Programme Office of Science & Technology Department of Enterprise Trade and Employment January 2005 forewordIrish Position Paper for the Negotiations on the 7th. Framework Programme Office of Science & Technology Department of Enterprise Trade and Employment January 2005 foreword
Eu policy to support research”. This communication represented the first step in planning for the Seventh eu framework Programme for Research and Technological Development (FP7)
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National Science and Technology CouncilNational Science and Technology Council
U. S. national security as well as civil and commercial interests. The United States will pursue greater levels of partnership and cooperation in national and international space activities and work with other nations to ensure the continued exploration and use of
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Agricultural development strategy waterberg municipalityAgricultural development strategy waterberg municipality
Womiwu Rural Development, assisted by Glen Steyn and Associates, to help compile a logical plan to lead agricultural development for commercial and emerging farmers, “further contributing to economic growth
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Review of Export Policies and Programs submission on behalf of the Australian horticulture industryReview of Export Policies and Programs submission on behalf of the Australian horticulture industry
Australian horticulture industry makes this submission to the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade Review of Export Policies and Programs who have called for pubic submissions and comments relevant to the review of Australian export competitiveness in an
Review 146.06 Kb. 4
Formation of Automobile Industrial Cluster in Thailand and the Role of Japanese FirmsFormation of Automobile Industrial Cluster in Thailand and the Role of Japanese Firms
Tion of industrial cluster that supports the automobile industry in Thailand. And the Japanese automobile firms have contributed a lot for the development of the industrial cluster
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Dallas Federal Reserve Beige Book ProjectDallas Federal Reserve Beige Book Project
Patricia M. Patterson is the Deputy Chairman, President. The Dallas Fed is broken down into three branches; the El Paso Branch, Houston Branch, and the San Antonio Branch
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